Mibo Studio ~ Christmas Creatures

Dec 26, 2009 09:43

Eeehheheeeee!! I know Christmas is actually supposed to be over down under, but since Greg and I are only half way through our MASSIVE CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA (and it’s still well and truly Christmas in the States xD) I’m feeling totally within my bounds to pimp these festive paper creatures.

PLUS THEY ARE CUUUUUTE! And Polar Bears are an all the time food†. *nods*

More and more I’ve been seriously getting into papercraft, or the idea of it and how to incorporate it into designs for work. So when I stumbled onto the mibo studio store I think I let out a squee for a full minute complete. LOOK HOW ADORABLES! The little one with his eyes closed!? AUUUUUUGH! Though I’m not sure if the deer looking like he’s trapped in the headlights of an oncoming vehicle is REALLY that festive… Although, SOME famous chefs do advocate the eating of roadkill, and venison is MIGHTY delicious…



Two elks were sitting in a tree. A submarine landed in the tree next to them. And one elk said “Maybe he lives there.”

PPS: I know its mighty gross and and just that little macabre, but I kinda found these shots of polar bears roaming about through massive whale carcasses, AWESOME!

Hope you’re all still hungry! ;) xD

† Image sourced from The Polar Bear and New Research. Ahhahaa sooo relaxed!
Mirrored from Vintage Nettles.

artists, christmas, link spam, inspiration

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