I'm exhausted, broken and very VERY horizontal right now...

May 04, 2009 12:32

...But the wedding was COMPLETELY worth it. ♥ The ceremony was so gorgeous and beautiful and the setting and the people and... AUGH LOVE!!!!!!!

Mark? Qudsia? I love you guys hard core and I hope you enjoyed every minute of your 'gifting event' ;) ;) It was bewitching and made more than one of us want to cry with joy. ♥

I'll write more when I am actually coherent and it doesn't hurt to do... Everything.

So in the meantime... A MEME! Made by brilliantcat:

The rules are simple: choose the 5 traits from Sims 3 you think fit you the best. The list of traits can be found here @ snootysims.

My traits:

1. Absent-Minded
2. Artistic
3. Lucky
4. Heavy Sleeper
5. Excitable

I could also sub in Good Sense of Humor, Ambitious, Charismatic, Computer Whiz, and Family Oriented, Friendly, Insane & Natural Cook since those are all rather severely applicable as well...

I have no idea on 'Great Kisser' You'd have to ask moonlapse, or maybe qudsielf... xD

PS: I am STILL so much in love with the fact that one of the traits is "Never Nude" xD ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT FOREVER..!!

friends, meme, sims 3, wedding, love, lol

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