In which Nett quickly spams a whole lot of photos...

Oct 21, 2007 15:17

XD! I've not really been updating updating in here because I've been MEGA busy working and re-arranging our house and working, and when I have done anything I've been mostly just spamming my flickr. But since not everyone on my flist HAS a flickr (and cause I'm procrastinating hardcore against my mountain of work for today):

"Riley McFeast's" Birthday Cake, made by endalia, it was an amazing feast for the eyes and taste buds. Pity I never got to take shots of it in daylight, but these aren't so bad. XD It was SOOOOooOoO freaken delicious! But it didn't last very long and Riley was sick so couldn't just eat the whole thing in one sitting. Its sister cake must one day soon be made!

Ali had me and endalia come over to her house one afternoon a while back for afternoon tea. I still worked through the whole thing and was probably terrible company, but the tea and cupcakes were delicious working motivators XD

Ali's stepdaughter couldn't stop eating the Freddo ones, every few minutes "Can I have another green one please?"

endalia's cat, Lady, sitting in the front room window making weird trilling noises and trying not to be attacked by 8923482398 Minor Birds. At one point last week I heard this INSANE cacophony of sound coming from the backyard, I cruised out to the kitchen to see and there was Lady running for her life while six Minors attempted to go her. AGGRESSIVE BIRDS ARE AGGRESSIVE!

♔ --> JoJessNett Mini Meet from a few weeks ago. Or last weekend. Or something like that. Who can keep count? XD 33 Photos, mostly of my dolls. XD The Slideshow, if you'd prefer. XD

♔ --> SushiLolitaCupcakeDollfieBirthdayDelicious Afternoon Tea, Fortified with FIYAAAH!. Oh yeah, that's not a long name at AAALLLLLL XD Jo organised a bit back to have a few people around for afternoon tea. Because I am a camera whore, and cause there were going to be dorrie, there's 58 shots in that set. XD Mostly shots of delicious sushi, cupcakes, FIRE and Jo in Baby The Stars Shine Bright Lolita. ^^ The slideshow for that if you'd prefer viewing that way. WARNING! If Blythes freak you out - or if you don't care for dolls at all, stop looking when you reach the chocolate crackles. XD XD


OH GOD ALMIGHTY, DELIVER US FROM EVIL. >_<;;;;;; Jess linked me this, with the preface of "I screamed out loud"

afk crying FOREVER.


Okay, back to work for me. *cracks whip*

work, flickr, photos, doll meets, food, cupcakes, cats, y!j, lolita

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