Married love or ILLICIT?!

Oct 06, 2007 11:46

Illicit, 1931, originally uploaded by Gatochy.
"Married Love OR ILLICIT


SAFETY in marriage or daring adventures in stolen love? What is the real truth about this modern generation's attitude toward the once sacred convention of marriage? "ILLICIT" tells, frankly and fearlessly, the true-to-life story of one girl's amazing adventures in the dangerous business of experimenting with love."

I literally cried laughing at this and the subsequent comments on flickr. 'TAKE THAT MARRIED LOVE!' especially XD XD

LOOK at her delighted upside-down face, she's elated in taboo joy. Dun dun dun..! XD


Being clean is AWESOME! So is going to sleep when you're tired instead of just sitting up and attempting to work through it until the early hours of the morning. Basically 12 hours of sleep last night. WTH!?!?! O_O;;; Was up by nine to start working again though. I fear me. XD

Some phone dude rang me at 10am or so to tell me I'd be getting a 30% reduction on my phone bill so I should 'grab a pen and paper to record all of [my] savings' when I said "Why do I need a pen and paper for? Isn't it just YAY SAVINGS and I'll see that on my statement? You know, "Woo?" and such?" The conversation from his end started to deteriorate and he started getting a-grade defensive. XD

Poor Indian lad, getting me when I'm newly refreshed. He's probably deaf now from me squealing about how good it was that it was the weekend and that shouldn't he be not calling me and enjoying the great outdoors cause its not a work day. I'm not sure but I think he actually started crying when I said that; "It might not be a work day for you but its still my work day..." in a little boy voice. Awwwwwww.



So, My cat? EXTREME MAN!

Whilst endalia was explaining some pilates moves to me from her class today and therefore gesticulating wildly, Java jumped up on the chair next to her and began following her movements with his head wildly. I'm giggling like a mad fiend and lost all concentration on what Bec was saying, turns out its cause her boobs were moving about: HE WAS ENTRANCED!!

When she stopped moving he jumped up and put his paws on one of them. "Easy girls, its all just too much excitement..."

work, sleep, freelance, boobs, vintage advertising, java, love, marriage

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