Flickerings of an unfocussed brain

Jul 24, 2007 22:25

endalia has reached the second phase of Torchwood, denial. Cyberwomen will haunt her days and hurl her screaming into phase three, oh yes. Poor thing, soon she shall be one of us.


I feel like the only person on my flist that hasn't been consumed with HP7:DH. Feels kind of odd, does mean I can read everyone's spoiler posts though cause I got outbox to tell me all the highlights of what happened as soon as she was done reading. ^^


So. Even if I am feeling better back-wise tomorrow, I doubt I'm going to be able to go to the accessibility conference because sitting in crappy lecture theatre chairs for hours on end will surely do me in >_<;;

Don't know what to do about that really. *sigh*

And yes, the irony of that situation isn't lost on me.


Mum is cancer free, YAY! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

back, work, tv, pain, torchwood, cancer, books, mum, harry potter

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