Here and gone: Old Dolls Meme
Stolen from
thedogkings, basically in order of their arrival list all the dorrie you've had and sold/passed on; a little history of them, a pic and why they are no longer with you. DESE R DA MECHANIX AS I UNDRSTUUD DEM!
Finn; DoD Yen: I never thought I'd be able to justify/afford an SD sized doll and so I delegated myself to the realm of the mini. I thought if I stuck to minis only I could make clothes for them, sell them and such, and have fun with little bits of fabric on very pretty dorrie. I fell in love with Yen hard core and when he arrived I was FULL OF LOVE! I had him for two years and loved him until his lack of poseability and the fact that he had some kind of WEIRD ARSE double chin thing going on in photographs (pointiest chin in the universe does double chin = RANDOMMMMMSSSSS) started to drive me bonkers. I sold him to a friend (
draicana <3, his name is now Connor, he has green hair and MANY cats XD) with the intention of bringing him back in another form at some point later on in the future. I've done this, or atleast its in motion... ^^
Xoe: DoD Mir: XOOOOOEEEEE! <3333333 Oh man I love Mir, so much. She was adorable and freckled and... ADORABLE! I miss her little cuteness a lot, but the DoD body really did drive me up the wall -- THE WRISTS AAAUGH THE WRISTS -- and in the end the little clothes took too long to make, 6 hours for a pair of msd jeans, 2 hours for a pair of sd. So she had to go, she ended up in Hawaii I believe :D I also had the intention of bringing her back in some other form, but my storylines kind of altered completely (to where I actually had storylines as opposed to not XD) so I'll have a doll soon that will be kind of her in spirit but not her at all really. XD
Saph Spade; Rasendou Aria: There was a little HORRIBLY DISFIGURED Rasendou elf head on y!j that made me cry (and a whole lot of other people on DoA cry too) and I felt so sorry for her that I bought her and a lot of other supplies to try and get her fixed up. I went through a lot of incarnations, experimenting with face ups using her so that I could better my skills, and did a lot of work with her with sanding and apoxie sculpt to get her to a more.. Acceptable state. I got
onegreyelephant to paint her a flat skin colour for me at one point and went about finding her a body. But in the end I decided although she'd come a long way. I really didn't have enough skill to bring her to the point where she would be really gorgeous again. So with that in mind I sold her on to someone who really loved Rasendou. I hope she's doing better now!
No-Name Sue; DoD Twing-key: Bought in Canada for my Mum on the second hand market, originally her name was Selene and she was lovely, Twing-key is a seriously under-rated sculpt. Unfortunately she was purchased soon before I realised I couldn't handle msd sized dolls anymore and ragequit them, so I didn't want to pass her on to my Mum (who also agreed that larger dolls were more manageable when it came to sewing for them) so I sold her on to someone who wanted her a lot more than I.
Victor Gideon; Dollshe Hound (White Skin): My first attempt at the character of Gideon. I envisioned this very tall, pale, interesting but quiet, british man with dark hair and a lot of love to give to Abi. What I ended up with was a pin-headed vampire who looked awfully chuffed with his virginal-looking victim. XD XD SORREH HOUND, YOU DON'T CUT IT NEXT TO A BIGHEADED KUN! *giggles* I flirted with keeping him around as a homage to the vampire from
Comedy, because that whole short film is love, but I figured that was a LOT of money for a fun homage character... Even if I could imagine him in a tall tower-esque style set filled with books where he just sat about with his long-long legs entwined about stacks of literature and velvet cushions looking cool. Eventually I sold him onto
islingtonroad locally as a sometimes gay pirate. ♥ Its really nice to have him around to play with at doll meets so I don't really miss him hugely cause I know he's in town. Haha.
Emma/Elisabeth/Eisadora Hodgekiss; Musedoll Ciel: OH MAAAN! XD Version one of this character who is now named Emelia -- god FINALLY pinned down a name -- I love this sculpt, its so delicate and multi-faceted. But, again, she suffered the pin-headedness next to Volks Kun and since Abigale is my all time favourite of faves this sculpt had to go. She looked pretty normal next to Volks Tony, but as soon as she came in proximity to Kun... BWAHAHAALOLS Sold her white skin head and her DD2 body onto some very understanding and excited peoples *waves at Guide*
Emma/Elisabeth/Eisadora Hodgekiss; Volks Emma: Bought originally for Mum, then I decided that I thought I loved her WAY too much and wanted an Emma boy anyway. Then I thought that that was silly and I was too poor to do that, but she was sooo pretty then maybe I could keep her as Gideon's tom-boy sister and tried to come up with 382492834 names for her that would be both a boy and a girl. I thought I could give Mum my School B because she'd already had her for a year and with the face she had I wasn't so much of a fan anymore, and I'd combine the character of Matilda with the one that was Gideon's sister. Then I sent School B off to Shuui to get a face and she came back THE CUTEST IN THE UNIVERSE. So, obviously it was all too hard and I figured, no, the Emma head SHOULD definitely go to Mum; not least of all because she reminded me of photos of my Mum's sisters from when they were in their teens and one of them is dying of Cancer at the moment. ;_; SO! This doll is still around, but I gave her to my Mum. ^^
Emma/Elisabeth/Eisadora Hodgekiss; Volks Nana: Hahaaa! OKAY! I bought this doll in its entirety for Mum, and then had all the crisises with which doll to give her, decided to try and fix the faceup myself since Volks Default is so terrifying, then realised I would so have to send her off to get a face, then all that stuff with the Emma head happened, so in the end I gave the body to Mum with the Emma head, and thought I'd keep the Nana head for myself because I wanted one for this character originally, but in white skin. BUT NOW I'm getting a white skin, or organised a white skin, (whichever is more apt for this situation),
so I'm selling the head on. So this one isn't QUITE gone, she's still in my home, but its close. XD Being replaced by an anemic version soooooon-ish *giggle*
edit: HOLY CRAP! I missed out a really important one! *edits*
Matilda, looking LOVELY in two new wigs for Abi. ^_^ I figured I wanted more photos of her and what better reason that new wigs, even if they belong to someone else. XD She looks really good as a carrot-top :D
Matilda "Lottie" Jones
Volks SD10 School B
Faceup: Shuui
Wig(s): Kstarr
Eyes: Enchanted Doll #12 High Dome
And, because I am weak and because my brother is costing me so much goddamn money my brain wanted to retail therapy by spending MORE goddamn money. Yeah, it makes very little sense to me too... ANYWAY, I WAS BAD:
Finnley Maximillion
Volks SD13 SWD School A