Jun 08, 2007 13:44


OKAYS! So I think I've missed some people in my email extravaganza for my OHGODLATE email invitations, like Dave for example. WHY DO I NOT HAVE YOUR BOI'S EMAIL ADDRESS, MANDEH?! XD

SO! Here's ma invite without all the stalker info on it XD If you wanted to come LEMME KNOW so I can let you know da other details. :D :D

Oh and HURR IZ DA BLURB that I sent along with it. ^_^

And I'm also CUTTING IT FIIIIINE! *cracks up* You're so totally invited to my birthday party on the 23rd of June, nothing uber fancy, just show up (with some foods if you're so inclined, everyone likes to eat :D) and hang out and hopefully have a blast. :D Feel free to bring people if you think they cut the "awesome people" mustard, or just if you're all "ZOMG OUTBIIIRK I WONT KNOW ANYONE ELSE!" or similarly related reasons. :D

Party babies are also welcome, we'll try and keep the profanity low so it doesn't subconsciously pollute their tiny human worm baby brains. Although! Polluted brains might make them unattractive food for zombies so that could be an argument for no holds barred conversational stylings.

Lemme know if you can't make it so I can pout at you prettily, got any questions I'm HERE FOR YA! Hope to see you there! :D

olds, aged, birthday, dustier than thou, vintage, chicken, 26

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