A post of old news.

May 05, 2007 20:12

Everyone in the dorrie community knows about this already I'm sure, but for those of my friends who are NOT into them and run screaming from them into the night: this is further proof JUST for you. Thats right, if you hold her close and listen to her chest you can HEAR HER HEART BEAT.


Her showcase photo outfit doesn't go anywhere to helping this concept not be freaky either. As pretty and interesting as it is, I'd so be waiting for her to kill everyone in the house. Blood spatters would be so artful on that snow white fabric.


Season 2, episode 18 of Supernatural is MADE OF WIN. Thats right, Dean IS the greatest PA ever. He's the greatest goddamn everything ever. When he started talking about Poltergeist and yelled at Sam for not knowing anything about his cultural heritage I think I actually fell in love. The show itself is exteme crap but its the little moments like that that means it breaks its banks of win, overflows the neighbouring villages and drowns everyone in it. Hear them scream!? NO YOU DONT, YOU HEAR THEM GASP WITH JOY! Because they don't mind, they rejoice! They welcome the enviable death, walk along that bank every day and attempt to undermine its structural integrity, because THEN THEY DROWN IN WIN!

Ah, what a way to go.

While we're on the topic of tv, episode 20 of Heroes? THAT right there is how you make tv. Could everyone please watch it and then go away and say "HAY DOES MY TV SHOW EQUAL THAT?!" if the answer is FUCKING HELL NO ITS SHITE, then take it off the air, please. Pls. Ploix.

Has anyone heard/seen anything of Big Love? It looks... Like it could be equal parts cool and equal parts just another family drama. But its HBO, so surely the bar is high?


Man, being realy sick all the time freaken sucks, and I think we may possibly have now cut two of my favourite restaurants out of my eating rotation. I'm going to try Yakitori again because if I have to never eat again I will... Well, I probably wont do anything really cause its me and I can't be upset by anything like that for more than about five seconds together, and not going through this is definitely > than eating the delicious DELICIOUS food, but STILL! It'll be debilitatingly disappointing for those five seconds ^_~

I have no brain, only brain stem, so I'm going back to sleep, but WOO to being able to be lucid and energetic enough to be able to post! *boogies* This morning I was having issues even lifting my head. THIS BE PROGRESS! :D

sick, film, tv, bjd, dean, food, heroes, supernatural, chicken

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