And here we are in fictionland, they have Unicorns! *love*

Apr 09, 2007 16:25

Photos from the meet for non-doll peoples:

Taken for Sha, because she was going on about how many chickens they had in their kitchen. XD

He has a port for a poopie! XD

Omg I love Jo's cat, Whisky. He's so ginger, and so old! 17, and yet he's cruising around awesomely. He's getting a bit geriatric though so he has little stairs and such so he can get on tables but ohmaaaaan he's love <333 He looks so grumpy, Jo says the happier he is the grumpier he looks. AWESOME. He sat on John for AGES and I swear he moulted a whole other cat onto him.. O_O;; XD

( Follow the fake cut to the "Erindale (FICTIONLAND!) Doll Meet - Adelaide" photoset! :D 74 Photos O_O;; )

WATCH OUT, THERESA! There's two blythe photos in here. Just warning you..!

There were two meets in Adelaide yesterday day, since I'd originally organised for one to be in this AWESOME new chinese tea house in town, but since I was sick all week I couldn't get to the place to find out if it was shut or not on the Sunday and it turned out it was. OUTBIIIIRK! XD XD

So, Jo and I organised a replacement meet in her backyard in her gazebo, and Liam organised a 'roaming' doll meet in town for anyone who could only make it to the city but couldn't make it to Burnside.

I went to the one at Jo's cause a) I organised it XD b) I needed to be somewhere I could just sit and rest (especially with five dorrie!) since I'd been sick for seven days and c) YAY JO!

Was SUCH a relaxing afternoon just chilling, hang out with cool people and talking and photographing personified resin.

Nee's photos can be found at the Adelaide Elljay Group and John's hilarious photostory featuring Gabe and Jasper is also shared there, LOOKOUT, ZOMBIE YO!! Want to see shots of the other meet? Check out Rundle Wander. ^_^

Seriously, even if you don't like dolls, you so need to look at John's photostory. XD

Someone put the default Kun wig I had with me on Jasper, and Jess ended up making this very very VERY long story up about how he was an super hot agent in LA and that his girlfriend was some kind of model that ate only lettuce with pesto and when she did he was all OMG FAT HO! And divorced her so that their kids had to be sold as russian brides... OR SOMETHING *dies* It was hilarious and so very harsh. XD What a difference a wig makes... ;)

adelaide, super dollfie, cat, bjd, food, dollfie, easter, chocolate, kitty, doll meet

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