I like where we are, when we drive in your car..! ^_^

Mar 07, 2007 13:47

Wow, I've really been at one with the dollspam lately O_O;; Sorry everyone on my list who is in no way doll inclined. *has been noticing dishlexicman making subtle comments ^_~* BUT I CANNAE HELPS IT! So much doll stuff has been going on lately!

BUT! for the likes of those not dollectably inclined:


How random?! XD Well, its actually a remake of a cartoon which is a remake of the Jim Henson tv movie. XD According to my friend Andy, its all bad and grainy and takes a long time to do much at all and starts off with a dude in a room. Then a door opens and another dude walks in with a stool. Gives dude#1 the stool, who is very appreciative and exclaims "THANK HEAVENS! I thought I was the only one here!" but dude#2 just leaves the stool and walks out. So dude#1 sits on the stool and hums to himself. Then a whole party of people come into the room and start talking about a wedding, and are shocked when he has no idea what they're talking about or who he is. etc...

So no cheese graters in the Jim Henson version. And for that, I am sad.

The world needs more cinematographic cheese graters. And more people being killed by having their jaws broken away from their skulls. Because I am not weird.



bahah photoshop is alll " OMG WHAT IS THIS!? its huge i dont like it >_< stupid file !" XD

HAHAA! lemonlime35 just said this to me. XD XD
I KNOW the feeling, its the BEST when photoshop does that, Ne? XD


KK BACK to the doll talk complete with photos!... XD SO! After all of my angsting, and Sha telling me to keep Emma for myself XD <333 I decided I'd be good, and if I want an Emma boy I can do it later when I am SURE I want an Emma boy. I realised, I keep going OOH!BOY!™ because Abi is just so gorgeous that I keep worrying that I won't play with any other girls and they wont get the limelight like she does (taking photos of Emma? Had a great time doing it, but as soon as I grabbed Abi to take shots of them together I automatically was inclined to just take photos of her and had to force myself to get shots of Emma >_<;;)

SO! I think Mum will be really really pleased with her new doll! And I think perhaps we have gone a little way to convince another person to get one... NOT ME! XD *winkwinks*

ANYWAYS! Some pics! :D

So I couldn't resist getting some Abi in there too ;) XD

And one of my new personal purchase which I REALLY should not have gotten but BWAHHAHAAAAA! :D SCHOOL A!

He's been modded to have wider eyes, a less pointy nose and wider nostrils, and you don't really notice until you actually put him on a body and then he's ADORABLE LITTLE BOY! Can't wait to get him a face up. <3333 Except uh oh, does this mean TWO School A for Nett?



OH NOES! My delicious coffee is all gone ;_;


work, film, owen, tv, super dollfie, kun, abigale, bjd, movies, mum, dollfie, emma, volks, coffee, school a

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