Mar 01, 2007 17:04

Things that are, in fact, a great big curvy symbol that resembles a bottom, some people's faces and a leaf from clover..!

Veronica + Logan
The Girl That Leapt Through Time (MUST see the prequel live action :D)
Jensen Ackles (Although not his goddamn show, WHY DO I DO IT TO MYSELF?! XD)
Logan + Veronica
Black "Raven" Plums
Feeling, by and large, NOT sick

From this list you should by no means deduce that I have spent the day resting, going out to see exemplory anime with denominator & deasilvae, and resting again while watching Supernatural and Veronica Mars in bed whilst eating plums. Nope. No sir. Not at all! ♥

sick, film, sleep, tv, movies, food, anime, supernatural, veronica mars

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