So I didn't end up taking any photos for Valentines Day, even though some people *winks* demanded I did.. I kinda ran out of time/the heat got to me/I had no ideas. XD XD BUT! I finally have 24 photos from the doll meet we had at my house while Tunie was here :D
Seiko inspired me to get more hair clips. They're so fun and I really love this one with its metallic completeness. My issue is that I only like the ridiculously expensive ones -- aka the $25 ones when 98% of the ones around them on the same table are $1 a pop... ^_^;; MUST go back to the mirror shop more often for more :D
I am not obsessed with Abi's face. No. I am not. Nope.
Oh, I forgot. XD The dress she's wearing is a Luts one that belongs to Jess's Tomoko. :D I STOLES IT BWAHHAHAA!! XD But only for those few hours of the meet... XD
My first ever Moon in person! He's incredibly studly. This one belong's to Claire, only I can't remember his name >_< She brought him in his default outfit to show us (apparently he normally spends his time in undies XD). I think
cheeseferret wants him badly now... LOCK YOUR DOORS CLAIRE, OR HE'LL BE GONE! XD
:D Riding Georgia's new rocking horse that had been aquired the day before. So cute!
Georgia fears not the heats, she persists wearing her little vintage knitted dress straight through the hottest parts of a 42 degree day..! O_O;;
Theresa's BeatyWhite pigfie, JonBenet Pigfie, frolics about at Georgia's feet while she plays with her own normal skin pigfie, Azaria Chamberpig. Georgia is SO spoiled, fancy giving a four year old her very own Pigfie when neither of her parents collect!
BWAHHAAA THEFT!! We stripped Jo's Amity briefly to try her Ajumapama outfit on Jess's Tomo. VERY lovely would you not say?
Theresa's Georgie is haughty, but looks SO LOVELY on Abi's body in Tomo's outfit! :D She especially looks great with this kstarr wig I've still got and need to sell, suits her head so nicely! *impressed*
El is more photogenic than you could imagine. Claire's El (who I also don't recall the name of >_< GAH!). My first El in person too, and I can't get over how well he can be captured!
The whole set is up @
my flickr in the "Hi Tunie!" photo set. ^_^
probably x-posting to
DoA and