Daddy's going to kill that monster, you'll see.

Feb 12, 2007 23:18

Things you find out about your home-city when you're doing research for freelance work:

The city of Adelaide was named in 1836 after the wife of King William IV. The king had married Adelaide, Princess of Saxe-Meiningen, only after a long relationship, and ten children, with Mrs Dorothy Jordan, an actress.

O_O;; THANKS Lonely Planet! Now I want to know more about that affair! XD


My brother's adventures at TAFE!! Now fortified with margarine statues. Its his last two weeks, and then he's qualified and officially becomes second chef @ Amore. But man I feel like what he's doing at TAFE is the most useless he's ever done there. XD 5 hours straight on the theory of Stirfrys? Then they made Margarine Sculptures the other day:

Taken by Glen, on his phone. *laughs* The butterfly is SO CUTE :D

That fish in the background was apparently phenomenal, he was kicking himself that he didn't get better shots of it. Yes, that is a head coming out of 'the ground' drinking Coopers. XD My brother's group's is this octopus in front. HE HAS A JAUNTY HAT! XD <3

And then this week they're doing Buffet. Apparently this is 'old school' traditional buffet, which in my brother's terms is more 70s that disco. And he hates disco. XD The theory of TRUE buffet is: Make some shitty non-canapes and then SMOTHER THEM IN ASPIC. Personally I feel this is an abuse against the animals that gave their lives for this food. My bro is so disparaging TO HIS LECTURERS XD:

"Things only taste good cause of the shine. Back in my day things tasted better cause they were shiny."

"Also, everything has to be in a straight line. My lecturer is all 'Make sure you use a ruler to get them straight.' Cause Man, my cuisine tastes so much better in straight lines."


And now I go to bed, and leave ye with a pic of cheeseferret's Seth, Unidoll04. Man he really EATS the lens <33333333

chef, adelaide, royalty, cooking, glen, bjd, sculpture, england, history

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