Always have a sure fire backup plan.

Jan 11, 2007 18:50

Random photostuffses, + QUESTIONS!

So. Who else is disturbed. If you know what I mean, LADIES! This was parked across the street from a friends house. Its.. Interesting... And I can't believe its serious. And yes, I assure you it is. There was a van with a similar paint job parked a few metres down the street from it... What is wrong with the chicks head? Her face is completely whack and her breasts are larger than her whacked head... There are.. No words...

Something tells me there's plush carpet, cushions and fuzzy dice on the inside of that trailer...

ALSO! Question on my pinkies!

Elljay cut because I don't want SO many photos in the one post on everyone's flistses. ^_^ But yes, SQUID?! XD


In an effort to support rural areas that are suffering the drought, Woolworths has announced that all profit from shopping there @ ALL stores in Australia on the 23rd of Jan will go to the cause.

I think this includes Safeway, so considering their market share this is such a boon for both their marketing and for the areas that are really feeling it. Go Woolies! ♥


♠ ♠ ♠ In continuance of the HORROR OF TORCHWOOD! moonlapse has come up with a concise dissertation and comparison of Torchwood VS some reputable popular culture. IT IS THE SHIT.

I personally believe he wrote that last line, just for me ^_~


pinky:st, adelaide, doctor who, tv, torchwood, toys, country, japan, dr who

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