Four posts. In one day. Sorry guys!
Non-doll peoples beware! This whole post is a lot of doll pics, doll rants, and doll quandaries, and NOTHING ELSE XD XD Don't say I didnae warn you. XD
I was experimenting with shirring elastic last week in order to make presents for
chibi_nezu's Amaya, and ended up with matching outfits for Abigale and Georgia. I realised at the doll meet we just had that I'd hardly taken any shots of the outfits so I thought WOO PHOTOSTORY to make up for it:
Abi lets Georgia climb all over the furniture with shoes on, apparently... XD
People are watching us, Mummy.
I am apparently obsessed with taking photos of Abi in this serene pose.
We've got our eye on you.
Abi is full of attitude -- stay the heck away from her, Ripley style (only hot) XD XD Meanwhile Georgia bes mischevious on the back of the sofa. HOW did she get up there, she's so tiny!
Can ye see the freckles?
I'm ridiculously in love with another work of fiction.
largitas has somehow used her wiles to make me
desperately enamoured of her possibly-never-to-be-doll-bodied character, Utilis. In some ways he reminds me of how I originally envisioned Gideon, go go the strong silent type for lovings. Not that I'm not in love with ALL of her characters, but there's something about Utilis that makes me squee very VERY hard. We had a big chat about him and she just kept digging my hole deeper. As if I wasn't already completely in love with enough fictional characters as it was (oh god, all
ymp's D'Tamorte brothers, Dean, Ten, Carrot...) here's another one to add to my list of "Reasons Why Nett Doesn't Seem to Date." XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
SO! I did end up coming third in the
Kstart custom wig competition which means I won a 10 free wigs giftcard! *spazzes with glee* EXCEPT! Now that I can get WHATEVER I WANT for just the price of shipping, I have no idea what I want! O_O;;;
I need Gideon hair, that's a given. So a couple of wigs for him that I can mod and cut up a bit, sure. But then...! *laughs* I promised myself if I actually did with third I'd get one dark green and one other colour wig (probably light blue or pink <3333) but now I don't know what I want am all flailing XD SO MANY CHOICES, BRAIN FROZEN! XD
I used to always want a School A. I didn't know who he'd be, and at the time I was staunchly sticking to my MSDSONLYKTHX policy. Which, as we all can see, I completely broke. Oliver's fault. Obviously. Who's not even here anymore *pines @
jtph_jo* I never really liked lucas/chris/f16/f28 etc, just like I used to rage bitterly against both SD10 and SD13 four sisters.
But lately, near four years after initially making these opinions, I've been feeling my resolve crumble. Dissolve in a frothy fizzle of ocular joy.
helene_in_melbo's Tripp really started the brain alterations I think. I'd had the joy of being able to play with Krishna's School A earlier in '06 and had been able to hold him up near a then-dishevelled Abi and see that they would work in the same universe fine. I'd been stalking a few other people's dolls off and on.. And then came
post about the F28+F16+Lucas+Sch A meet she attended. I. Am. Now. Broken. With. Angsty. Love.
I've also been coming to think that SD10 Four Sisters are crazily cute, and just the thing I need to get for my Mum so that I can liberate Matilda. Especially with all these so gorgeous ones floating about on Y!J.
So, what's the problem?
Besides from a few WeaknessKuns™ that I keep thinking about (two more apart from Abi and Zach, one in white skin and one in sunlight -- oops!) I don't want to get anymore dolls other than the ones in THE PLAN™ -- which leaves Owen, Eisadora, Zachariah and thats it.
So, either Owen is out the window (I wanted him to be a little SD10 boy), or, I, think of someone else to fit in the crew. And thats a lot of dolls, especially if I get a 'loaner' one for Mum (what if I end up wanting to keep it and then I'll have to get ANOTHER one augh). And I have no idea how he would fit story-wise. And if I start just adding characters in, what's to stop my RIDICULOUS LIST OF DOLLS to be re-instated (apart from them having to match with Kun)?
sleepingpill_ suggested I just add "a mysterious stranger [that] movies into town? :O Then he has affairs with everyone.. female and male." Which I could feasibly do, have him have sex with Zach constantly while Zach is trying to get into his sisters pants <3 WHICH HE NEVER WILL! Now while I love this idea, OH MAN. But, should I do it?!
Also, an SD10 Michele... Owen!?
I promised myself I'd only get Gabe (Kuuta) and Zach (Boy Kun) this year, so why am I even stressing out?
Watch out peoples, I have more doll ranting and raving to do... But I'll save it for tomorrow *laughs seriously hard*