Jan 09, 2007 23:26

If you know someone you hate more than life itself, perhaps someone who has committed mass genocide? I suggest kidnapping them, tying them down and then SUBJECTING THEM TO A TORCHWOOD MARATHON.


I wouldn't even subject clowns to that kind of torture, CLOWNS! O_O;;They deserve better ( Read more... )

doctor who, dr who, tv, torchwood

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bondchick_nett January 9 2007, 23:13:38 UTC
They needed to hire better writers full stop >_<;; *weeps* The biggest issue was that every single character was completely different depending on who wrote them (and sometimes even then). Well, except for Ianto, who flew wildly out of character in the cyberwoman episode and then went back to being THE MAN.

Coupled with lack of continuity from even the beginning to the end of each episode, and the blatant plot rip offs (for the love of god, FIGHT CLUB!? Not even thinly veiled!? O_O;;;) god it was all so terrible. >_<;;


thinkzinc January 12 2007, 01:44:20 UTC
Unfortunately, this was true. I honestly wish fan-fic-folks from LJ had been allowed to write the episodes because they would have been SO MUCH BETTER! If it weren't for JB, I know for a fact that I'd have ditched Torchwood after about four episodes - although I did really enjoy the finale - not so much if Jack hadn't been in it! ;) The Weevil Fight Club episode was particularly bad - it was written by Mickey (Noel Clarke), by the way! And the Countrycide had the people hunting episode of Supernatural written all over it. Random Shoes was the most cringeworthy of all though :s ( ... )


bondchick_nett January 12 2007, 02:15:41 UTC
Oh. Dear. God. Random. Shoes. I actually went to sleep twice during that episode. Gwen is not interesting, she cannot hold a whole episode. The dude that they chose to play not-elton-seriously-its-not-honest was fugly, boring and bland. Wow. SO MUCH going for it. >_<;;

You're serious? I knew Noel Clarke wrote one episode, but I didn't realise he DIDN'T write an episode and just gave everyone a copy of Fight Club to go home with. O_O;; Was it just be, or was anyone else thinking through that whole episode that if Owen had been played by the guy that played Tyler Durden the acting would've been just as bad but atleast we'd atleast be able to HALF understand how he got into everyones pants?

John Barrowman has said that he's in season two, so I assume Ten takes him back somehow. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, TEN?! Jesus, don't condemn him to that. Just keep him and let Torchwood dwindle out of ratings like it should. >_I know I seem to have some kind of Rose-tinted glasses action going on because I keep having wantings to watch bits of the ( ... )


moonlapse January 12 2007, 07:40:37 UTC
"The fascinating thing about TORCHWOOD is that they've skipped the messy business of making the original show, and jumped straight to the slash fiction."

- some anonymous forum person


bondchick_nett January 12 2007, 07:43:24 UTC
I think the slash fiction writers, on the whole, would do MUCH better jobs, however.


moonlapse January 10 2007, 00:51:35 UTC
RTD wrote only one episode (the first one). In the grand scheme of things, that was really one of the better stories; its only problem was that it was bloody boring.

If the rest of the writers had followed his lead - you know, actually writing stories about a crack team of investigators scavenging alien tech - then the series might have been watchable. However, these "better writers" chose to faff about with fairies, shag frog-people, mispronounce biblical terrors, emasculate a previously excellent character, shag frog-people some more, and try to get sued by Chuck Palahniuk.

Mmm, sorry, went a bit ranty there. Anyway - what exactly is wrong with RTD?


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bondchick_nett January 10 2007, 01:11:34 UTC
So, you assumed RTD had written all the episodes of Torchwood? ;)

What crap episodes of season one? After seeing TW I can't think anything in new series DW was crap... But my mind is foggy due to TW and the fact that I'm in love with David Tennant and therefore remember little of Christopher Eccleston... XD


moonlapse January 10 2007, 01:23:48 UTC
Well, okay, so the man wrote Aliens of London. He also did Parting of the Ways... and the christmas special (hi Nett!). :)

He wrote my favourite episode of NewWho (Love & Monsters)... I can't really go along with the whole "RTD is crap and should be kept away from scripts" angle that people like to push.

Hopefully they learn their lesson and any future seasons will actually make sense.

The problem is, I think, that every single viewer of Torchwood thinks like this.

I'm convinced that the entire viewing audience of the show actually *hates* it, but keeps watching it out of some forlorn hope that it will someday *not suck*.


bondchick_nett January 10 2007, 01:27:34 UTC
THIS IS HIS FIGHTING HAND! Oh, sweet sweet christmas special.

*disolves into a happy place*


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moonlapse January 10 2007, 02:21:46 UTC
Umm, really? If anything I'd have said it was the other way around...

The first season made fans out of people who I would never, in a million years, have thought of as the sort of people who would watch Doctor Who. Some of these people have LJs that you are posting in *right now*. For these people to then go on to have completely inappropriate thoughts about what they'd do if they got the Doctor alone in one of the back rooms of the TARDIS... well, it's a triumph of television. :)

Although, if people had hated S1, then that might have been good... then it would never have got a second season, or a spinoff, and I would never have had to sit through thirteen episodes of someone trying to convince me that Gwen is really sweet and lovely and pure and really-far-more-morally-upstanding-than-you. Oh, if only...


bondchick_nett January 10 2007, 02:25:34 UTC
Inappropriate? Or appropriate?!?!

*happy doctor thoughts*

Although I feel you are selling me short. ONE of the back rooms of the Tardis?



mandymaria January 10 2007, 04:20:35 UTC
Exactly! I still can't believe my sister now loves Doctor Who even though she finds sci fi/fantasy 'uncomfortable'. She fell asleep during the Battlestar Galactica mini-series, can't stand Red Dwarf/Buffy/Angel/(insert any good genre show here) and constantly ragged on me for watching Doctor Who when I was a kid. Granted this was the seventh doctor we're talking here...

This is possibly why I don't love New Who... if my sister likes it, there MUST be something wrong with it.


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