All aboard that funkboat now, I'm about to start sailin' now

Jan 01, 2007 12:42


So, HAPPY NEW YEARS! Hope its LESS WEIRD than mine was! Cause man, weirdness, in a cup, on the street, with illegal fireworks and screaming poker. Oh, and THE TRIVIAL PURSUIT THAT NEVER ENDED. No, really, we're all still sitting in that room, playing that game of tp. Seriously, we are. That's one of the circles of hell, I swear, trapped in a room with a game of trivial pursuit that JUST WONT END. Which is weird cause I like trivial pursuit. I like playing it, I liked the people we were playing with. Its just that IT WOULD NOT END. When its a forgone conclusion, just... forgo already.

AND JELLY! I still have heaps of jelly in my fridge, any one want any jelly? Multicoloured jellies with stone fruit in. Mmmmmm jelly. I know that you want the jelly. I know that you do. You love it.

Oh man, I need more than 2 hours sleep. XD

Did EVERYONE forget that '06 was ending? Cause thats what it felt like. It was like.. the new year that time forgot. Good time was had in BITS by all I hope. And nostalgia-inducing, neighbourly encouraged illegal fireworks really are the best. GO DARWIN! GO DAVE! GO JOSH!

What if there were towns called Dave and Josh? "The Man that came from Josh..."



  1. TIS THE YEAR OF THE MISER! No binge spending or impulse buying for me this year. Everything has to be well thought out and justified before purchase.
    • Also, I'm so having a garage sale. FOR SERIOUS. FROM SYRIA!
    • Also, more sewing and making things to sell that are sellable. I know that I CAN do it I've been doing it already, I just have to DO IT.
    • Less frivolous use of my mobile phone. I'm restricting my "I'm bored on the way home, I'll call someone and chat to them my whole trip" on my mobile phone. I'd get myself an iPod and some audio books or something if it wasn't THE YEAR OF THE MISER.
    • And less eating out. Oh man, that ones going to hurt.
  2. If Mum asks to do something like go to the city to see the lights or chrissy decorations. FREAKEN TAKE HER IN. Remember to do this this year, Nett. Mum likes them, go do it. And make her come here more on days that you have off so you can just go shopping ALL DAY with her. And maybe try and take her to Melbourne. That would be wickit.
  3. Go to Canadia. For the love ♥ (And if I could do it maybe via Singapore and the Philippines that would be awesome *mulls*).

There's more, but I don't remember what they are. XD


"...It's been nice, I might clean my act up for 2007. Ha. Nup!" My bro: Good f@%k'n luck Renee! ONLY GRAVY CAN SAVE YOU NOW!

My brother? He's cooked.

mum, new years, christmas, resolutions, glen

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