But you can't take the party out of the girl..!

Nov 01, 2006 13:17

I can't believe I just stooped to using a lyric from a Girlband song as a title.. O_O;;;


Yoinked from billiraven: You went trick or treating as

TheCreature gave you AnApolloBar.

Snoopy gave you ACherryCoughdrop.

RosencrantzAndGuildenstern gave you AGumball.

GeorgeBanks gave you TheSignOfIron.

You had a pleasant time until Aziraphale
left your head spinning.

What's Your Trick-or-Treat Haul?
Shiver My Timber -- A Pirate RPG

I always wanted to be Penny growing up. Aziphrale can leave my head spinning ANY day of the week... I was really amused in one iteration -- Captain Barbossa thought that I was George Bush when I went trick or treating as a Turkey. How apt. Commodore Norrington once gave me a shrubbery, but the Knights-That-Say-Ni weren't buying. I am sad that no one gave me a Chupacabra Fang though. WOE!

SO!! On Saturday after a big luncheon at Kate's house in Le Stirling, Jill & Ron and I -- aka Puss in Boots, Baccus and The Queen of Hearts -- headed out to Nic's new place for a Halloween/Housewarming/Some Other Chick's 25th party and it was wickedness. I think a good time was had by all, and lots of everything was consumed. I fear that when I told Nic to "Do his worst" in regards to plying me with alcomahol, he took me seriously but I should never doubt his taste -- even if his Black Cherry Vodka was wasted on me and I had to pass it on to a much more appreciative recipient.

But enough introduction, no one cares, all we care about is PHOTOS WOOO! SO! As a teaser:

NOW RUN TO THE HALLOWEEN SLIDESHOW ON MY FLICKR ACCOUNT!! Or if you prefer, check out the set for all the commentses/explanations. :D Ye shall not be disappointed. Okay, you might, but I disclaim your disappointment, reject it, and choose to believe you were not. This DOES mean you can just be appointed. Whatever that means in context...

PS: I bit the bullet and paid for my flickr account. So now I have no excuses for not photspamming. XD
PPS: WTH is the Sign of Iron? XD
PPPS: As a follow up to the other kitty meme's, this one is for all you WoW heads...

meme, pirates, costume, ninjas, party, halloween

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