Georgia? Georgia, Georgia Georgia.

Jul 27, 2006 23:07

Mmmmmm rest day and then PRESENTS! Okay so I paid for these presents, but they've been a long time coming <333

Introducing Georgia Constance Benedict.
Not-daughter-of-Abi-&-Gideon-HONEST-they-would-never-have-a-whole-lotta-sex-out-of-wedlock-ever-not-even-for-serious. ^_^;;

Been discussing with cheeseferret & then today at lunch with jtph_jo about exactly what hair and eye colour this adorable one (and her brother if I possibly get him) would have. Must aquire gorgeously soft dark brown wig and lovely 12mm green eyes ♥ I got her from Jo, who loved her dearly but decided that she just didn't fit with the rest of her dolls. Now she's working on me to get Toppi. Stupid Jo Power™ I always have to obey it. ^_~

The items Tunie and I bought from the latest Anotherspace group order arrived today too! They're soo cool! Look how big Kun head is though, the aviator cap doesn't get anywhere near her forehead. XD Bet you anything it fits perfectly on Ciel though, which is good because THATSWHATTUNIEHAS! Hehe.

kun, abigale, georgia, bjd, anne, gideon, tony, yosd, volks

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