And I have definitely been feeling like a slightly different person this last month. Its very odd, but kind of nice. Like I had that LITTLE bit of growing up to do at the end before my brain stopped growing and its all dead brain cells polluting my brain from here on out.
Spent ALL night till the birds were well and truly singing watching
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Don't worry, that feeling of having grown up fades away quickly enough, and then it feels like you'll spend the rest of your life feeling like you're still 16...
or maybe that's just me. XD
Plus you wouldn't have had to go anywhere, since apparently they were well.. XD
I didn't say that I was feeling grown up, I said that I felt like a slightly different person, as though my brain had that little bit of growing left in it just before I hit 25.
Although I can't say that I feel like I'm 16 on the whole. Definitely feel older than that. Maybe 22? Hehe
I think it sorta depends on what felt like the biggest focus of your life to that point. I felt about 10 until I hit 16 or so. Each time I moved countries, I felt like that was where my age was at, I think.
I suppose I don't feel quite as pubescent as I did at 16. Bah, whatever, I need to learn to remember that I'm older than you lot and to stop looking up at you lot as distant older siblings or something. Eesh. ^_^
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