Alas, for I knew him well...

May 31, 2006 10:03

SLEEP! Why hast thee forsaken me? Why should it be I thou hast completely forsook?

Oh great and beauteous Panda, thou hast kisseth of mine eyelids, though it was not I that dallied with thine wand of fleeting thickening. Please, I beseech thee, take back what thou hast bestowed upon this humble lamb.


As seen branding leroy_brown242 (of ALL usernames... >_>;; XD).


There's something quite disconcerting when the people you're trapped behind in the street while trying to rush to catch the bus are the people that you're trying to hurry along.

I constantly forget just HOW slow filipino people walk. Compared to people like denominator I walk slower than a doped out Galapogas Tortoise, but at my normal walking pace my Aunt has to constantly run to keep up. O_o For a while there I thought it might just be my family. Nope, every other filipina we've visited whilst my family have been here are exactly the same.


Harbourtown took all my money. On the up side, as god is my witness, may I never go cold again!


Belatedly:- Underworld: Evolution. Anyone else think that for a six hundred year old vampire and the first hybrid werewolf ever to walk the earth, that that sex scene was a little too clean?


I ♥ Dean.

+ I can't stop watching ahead.

relatives, film, sleep, tv, shopping, icons, philippines, dean, elljay, movies, supernatural

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