Subtle distraction...

Apr 22, 2006 10:58

I have about ten thousand things to post about in my elljay (okay, so maybe like... 6 things which all have a LOT of sub categories) but I don't have time to give them justice or resize all the photos yet SO I am going to distract you all with a:


• Whats the scariest nightmare you EVER had?

Now I don't mean the one with the scariest themes, or the the one that was really disgusting and followed the lines of conventional horror. I mean the one that really scared the pants off of you and meant you couldn't sleep again for days.

I've had more than fair share of vividly scary dreams, including brutally killing all of my friends who had turned into zombies, and having unseeable spirits rip the flesh from my best friend's body chunk by chunk in front of me in my own cellar under the premise that it was all done for me. BUT the scariest dream I ever had?

I was on a mini golf driving range which was situated in the middle of a stadium. Empty grand stands stood all around me, and I was forced to hit golf balls as far as I could with a little mini golf club by two people whom were largely indistinguisable apart from the fact that they wore floral patterend grandmother dresses and veiled cylinder hats ala the 1950's.

I have no idea why I was so terrified. But it was PURELY terrifying. I actually like minigolf, and have no problems doing stuff in front of a lot of people, nor do I have issues doing stuff in front of very few people. The actual act of doing this seems like a fun thing to do really. But GODDAMN. I couldn't sleep for days incase I would be forced to hit those golf balls again. For some reason I think that the inferrence was that if I didn't hit the balls then everyone I had ever loved would die. But I can't be sure...


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