I R RANDOM. But in an organised fashion. ^_^

Mar 01, 2006 12:40

This is one of the best things I've ever seen in my life. Ever:

The Happy Cleaver Play Set.

Warcraftian Worlds...
HOKIES! My guild at WoW has a new guild portal that mandra85 as my guild leader and all around smex person has made prettiness, only I don't get how to add stuff there XD SO! I made a gallery for my guildy pics in my elljay scrapbook. Go check it out for NElf hotness, orgies and mass-suicide! DX!! XD!!

Gods Monday night I didn't go out like I thought I was going to so I decided to stay at home and play WoW randomly whilst I waited for Supernatural hotness. The rest of my house kind of did similar things. Its so weird having three people in the same house all playing the same game but on different servers, all yelling random things about it at each other from their rooms... moonlapse was right, its a little overwhelming and surreal. Plus Ben gets RIGHT into his "Ganking of Noobs" so his excitable updates always leave by-standers perplexed and amused XD XD

OH! And denominator? Guildwars is all instance and hardly any shared world. Warcraft has only a few instances so the gameplay in that regard is completely different. Thats why there's SO many WoW servers and in comparison only like, one Guildwars server.

Speaking of elljay galleries... I kinda, sorta, got a Hound a few weeks ago... *laughs* BUT! Even though I'm all WHOA-YOU'RE-SO-COOL! about him (although there's about a million things I want to complain about with his body, like the fact that he refuses to sit, just recline, and that he often thinks that standing like a chicken is THEBESTWAYTOSTANDEVAR!™) I'm not sure that he works as a couple with my Abigale (SD13 Kun). vadervox said they looked WAY more like Vampire and Virgin than what I was going for than anything else, which is awesome but again not what I wanted, jtph_jo squees when she walks by them in our house every now and then but I'm not sure what her opinion really is. *laughs* And cheeseferret thought they were gorgeous together but that they were MY dolls so the decision should ultimately be mine...

I AM TORN! SO! Even though they're not in the right kinds of clothes they're supposed to have, and Abi doesn't have the right eyes (I can't wait for them to arrive though!) if people's of varying colours, creeds and hobbical-orientation looked and cast they're opinion on their matchingness, that would be AWESOME.

Gideon & Abigale, true love or vampire seduction of doom?

I think its mostly because I've had jtph_jo's Ciaran (FCS F-20) positioned all hugging Abi that I know how good she looks with an SD13 boy, and how much better they match. Had I not seen that I think maybe I wouldn't be so unsure... But then I might've been anyway. I DON'T KNOW!


So why was Skeleton Key advertised as a horror? WHY!? That makes no sense to me. It so wasn't, it wasn't even remotely scary. I definitely think it should've been advertised more as a tense mystery and less like a thriller/horror flick. As a mystery film I really liked it! Still can't get my head around the whole wife and husband possessing small siblings though though, EWWW! GUYS! Whoa! I know you want to extend your life and that those kids were the perfect choice, especially when it comes to being able to access all the "perks" of a white upbringing in the south but like... A BROTHER AND SISTER!?!??! IIIIEEEW!

Last night I finally watched all of Inhyeongsa (The Doll Master) with deasilvae & denominator. Only, we watched it in Korean with no subtitles because the subtitle file I had was in polish, and we couldn't find a decent online translator to try and translate it before we tried to play the film. LOL!! We still all got freaked, yelled a lot (most of the yelling was done by me, and the jumping by Tim. Are you shocked? ^_~). at the thing even though we couldn't understand a word they were saying. Its just annoying that we couldn't understand 80% of the exposition! *laughs* SO!

Could I ask a favour of those that have seen it in a language they speak? Can anyone fill us in on what happened dialogue-wise? When the wheel-chair bound Jae-won tells the police dude and Hemi who is hand-cuffed up the whole reason behind everything, WHAT IS SHE SAYING?!? XD And why does Mina have a person body?

OOH! And why does whoever killed Demian (I assume it was Mina?) kill him? Is it because he's a good influence and is loved by whatsherface even though she's now an adult so (I assume its Mina) is jealous?

I really need to get that movie in a subtitled form...

Geeking out
HEHEHEE! We were talking about where the origin of the world 'Yes' came from last night (I don't know how it got started) since 'Yes' doesn't sound like any other kind of affirmative we could think of. So, after much consternation and insistence, denominator found this little gem: Online Etymology Dictionary. AND IT RULES! I'm always thinking about random words, and how the heck they really came to be in modern english tongue (cause let's face it, we have a HORRIBLY cavalier attitude in regards to it: "What's that word again? I can't remember I'll just make up one that kinda sounds right, they'll get it" etc) and this site delivers! For your geek out fest, try the dictionary and learn something new for today. ^_^

warcraft, film, craft, abigale, bjd, movies, dollfies, gideon, wow, doll master

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