Builder's next door decide working with heavy power tools on a Public Holiday, Australia Day of ALL days, is a good idea. SCREW YOU, HIPPIES!
*totally taddled on their asses*
MmmMmmmm. Sweet, quiet relief.
Happy Australia Day, Everyone!
A day where I can exert my right to say "OI! YOU! Stop working my GOD! THIS IS A DAY OF REST & RELAXATION! And if we decide to have drunk WAY too much the night before, then we deserve the right to sleep in and spend the day in peace and quiet at home. Besides, SHOULDN'T YOU BE AT A BARBEQUE RIGHT NOW?"
Because jeebus, those blokes definitely looked like they needed one!
THE BASTARDS. They stopped for less than an hour then started again, then assured the builder in charge (who is off celebrating at a Jetty somewhere mind you) that they'd be twenty minutes left only. Its been an hour and twenty minutes and they're still out there.
Stop being so bloody un-australian and somewhere else to eat sausages, its it SO MUCH TO ASK!!!??!
OMG! LOL! This is totally just ridiculous. I just tried to call the builder again and two different people answered the same phone saying "He's not here, you've got the wrong phone number" when I very clearly hadn't because I could see the number on my phone, then finally someone was all "Hello?" And I explained who I was after and he's all "Well he's not here he's gone interstate" Um, WHATEVER I talked to him an hour ago, which I told them. SPRUNG! They wanted a phone number they could 'get him to call me back on' but I bet you anything they're just going to use that to screen my calls now. UGH!