
Oct 20, 2005 13:29

Ah, Mandi-centric.


Has anyone seen/heard much about the Henson/Gaiman/etc movie MirrorMask? Watching the previews it looks awfully like its over-produced -- although, as they say, first impressions may be lasting but aren't always correct.

It was spun at me because apparently it was steamp-punk-esque but it seems to have nothing to do with victorian times and everything to do with modern day dali visions. A whole lot of 20th/21st century, and not a lot of anything else. Granted I've not read the literature. ^_~ But I guess it runs in theme with other "steampunk" stuff I've seen lately which is almost ALL punk and no steam. *le sigh*

But to pick up me up I got put onto a really awesome lj community in which someone was linking to this french performance exhibit. HOW AWESOME! And in front of Notre Dame too. <3

meme, steampunk

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