So, after much running around and phone calls back and forth we FINALLY got a gas person in today to assess our gas situation. We're leaking 6 litres of gas an hour, apparently. Oh, joy. No wonder our gas bills have been so ridiculous. So our system has been defected and turned off and we can't turn it back on again until everything is fixed. It's Friday. Uh-Oh. XD
Good news is they think that its the oven, which means the oven will most likely need to be replaced. WOOT!
Guess I'll be buying a nice big bucket or three so we can bathe old-fashion style with boiling water and our completely NON bath this weekend...
There's a bird stuck in my chimney. I opened the flue thinger this morning (Jo! Nothing killed me or squawked ridiculously at me when I did it today!) and the bird is content to sit on top of that IN the chimney and stick its tail feathers out (thats all I've seen of it barring its ominous shadow, GASP!) to taunt Java everytime the sneaking homocidal cat manages to stealth into my room.
From its song and the colours of its tail feathers I'm changing my guess from duck/pigeon to some kind of native bird, possibly a rosella of some description. RSPCA say I can get it out myself if I have a good strong pair of gardening gloves (which I don't have) so I guess I'll be trying that little adventure today once I procure myself a pair of gauntlets enchanted with +9283297432987423 bird catching. Although I think I will need boots with +83743298498473298 cat deterrant on when I attempt to let the noisy little thing go.
LORELEI NEWS: She was all put back together yesterday, with all her shiny new parts. Everything was running fine, everything was recognized, exept *inserts giant pause of doom for effect* she's not charging the battery. WOE! The tech thinks either she didn't plug something back in properly or that apple sent her a dodgy part. She's thinking dodgy part but we're both hoping its just something incorrectly re-attached. So I still don't have her back, I may this evening, but its looking like next week.
Oh well, looks like I'll just be getting a TONNE of sewing done this weekend instead of WoW catch-up I had planned. ^_^ Not really a great loss, by any stretch of the imagination. ALTHOUGH I really should've held Jasper for ransom over the weekend since Jo wont be home to play with him anyway! Oooops! Lack of forsight THERE, Nett! XD
So I've been slowly and stiltedly been doing the Ugly Challenge (I can't find the link to the original thread about it!) and wouldn't you know it? I think I've already bred the ugly gene out in just two generations! Check out my short ode of fug in my
elljay Ooglay Challenge gallery.