In Search of a Crunch Wrap

Jul 31, 2005 03:56

We played poker tonight. I didn't win. This was unlike Thursday night when I took home part ($20) of the pot while playing at Ross's apartment. They're moving and their now vacant apartment finally had room for us to play, but we basically had to bring the entire game with us: tables, chairs, chips, everything. One lady asked if we were moving in. Tonight, however, was a different story. It was a smaller group, only 7 instead of the "normal" group where we can easily average 12 guys per game. A big jump from the early days of just 4 of us in Adam's basement - when Adam had a basement. Also, instead of a vacant apartment, we played at Kidd's Plainfield Palace. The action was fierce tonight, chips getting passed around the table like hot potatoes. I eventually fell victim to a tempting pair of Jacks, which became useless when the other guy caught four cards to a straight. After I left, I felt weird. Not a "I just lost five bucks" weird, a very indescribable weird. So I decided to go to Taco Bell.

I thought I had seen a Taco Bell by I-70 as we drove in, but I was totally wrong. When we got off the highway, I was probably still thinking about the cop our mini-caravan of cars had passed on the way there. And by passed, I mean shot right by doing 90's in a 55. The cop must not pay attention to cars driving in the slow lane. I was confused when I couldn't find the Taco Bell I thought should be there. I mean, most intersections should have a Taco Bell. I could have just hopped back on I-70 and driven to the one near my house, but I wasn't ready to admit defeat just yet. I figured I could find one nearby. While driving around, I found myself near Primo, the baquet hall where we had Ross and Sarah's wedding reception, and this gave me a basic bearing for where I was. I also drove past the intersection where I turn to get to Abby's friend's house. I only remember because that's where Andy, Nick, and I spent the Fourth of July last summer. I don't even remember the girl's name, just that she had a pool and a younger brother. She was just one of those people you meet whom you'll probably never see again. But you might pass her one day, and think she looks oddly familiar, then spend the next few days wondering how you knew her before deciding you're just being silly. You meet a lot of people like that. People you share a little bit of your life with and then nothing more. I think that's why people you never talked much to in high school talk to you more once everyone graduates, we're still trying to hold onto that part of ours lives we shared together, even though we barely knew each other. Already, just two years after graduation, the Speedway Class of 2003 is short one person. Sure, it happened at the beginning of the summer, but it's still odd to think about. Sometimes I think about the other people who I'll likely never see again. The people from Haiti (like Lenny, Jesse, and Daniela, it's already been 4 years since we were there), or from Taiwan just last summer, or the people that pass through the youth group - just stopping for a year or so then moving one (We saw Brooke Crane at Castleton last summer, something like "Hey, isn't that Brooke?" "Yea, looks like it." "Eh, haven't seen her in a while." "Yea."), or guys like Drew from Spanish Class this alst year, or even the random girls that gave a few of us pizza at IYC 5 years ago. This isn't meant to be sad, just sometimes I wonder how many people I drive by any given night who've been in the same place at the same time as me and neither of us every realized it. That usually pops into my head whenever I see a car that I recognize from just sometime before like the hearse with flames and Chrome wheels or when I deliver to the same customer multiple times. Just trying to map the interactions between a small group of people would be extremely complex, which would make computer programs like in The Matrix that deal with millions of individuals' interactions just crazy to think about. Sometimes it's just fun to wonder what that guy in the car next to you is driving toward, who's he going to see, what's he going to do, how's his life gonna play out, will you ever meet each other and end up being good friends or bitter rivals?

I don't know how I got to talking about The Matrix, but I didn't mean to. Eventually I did find my beloved Taco Bell (on a street I know I've driven on to places like Mrs. Abrams' German Club party or old youth group softball games) and was able to order the Bizzle's latest gift to the world: the Crunch Wrap. I never thought Taco Bell could outdo the Cheesy Gordita Crunch. I thought they'd reached the pinnacle of fast food greatest, but I was wrong. I was very wrong. I got the whole meal and really why I'm still awake, drinking a Looper of Mt. Dew at 3AM will keep you up for a bit. Drinking a Looper of water wouldn't keep you up, except that it's impossible to drink a Looper of water, because Loopers are only used to measure volumes of pop/soda/coke (however you wish to phrase it). I think the jury's still out on whether lemonade and lemonade-ish drinks can be measured in Loopers.
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