(no subject)

May 22, 2010 00:20

Ahh.. what an afternoon..
Came home early from class today, and decided to take my friend up on her offer of going on a bike ride. We met up, and got ice cream.. Prolly something we should have done after, but no matter. it was nommy. after indulging our craving, we kick off. Finally decided to head to the park to look for flat stones in the river bank.
Ooo.. Look, a dead tree hanging over the water! Lets walk out on it and see if we can reach that big rock!
Oh no! I got the edge of my pant legs wet! :(


I turn to see my friend Vesna straddling the tree reaching for her shoes that had fallen off her shoulders into the water after she had carefully taken them off and tied the shoelaces together.
Shit! After staring after it in stunned silence a couple seconds as it slooowly drifted away, my friend had this look on her face, like, what am I gonna do? So I handed her my cellphone and wallet, and took off my socks and shoes and got in.

The water was fine. it went halfway up my shins and wasn't very cold. But after about 50 feet, it got deeper, up to my ass. :S

The stones on the bottom of the river were very round, and very slippery. I don't know how I managed to get to the shoes as quick as I did, coming back to shore took aaages.. every step hurt, and all I could think of was the likely hood of stepping on something sharp. But I managed to survive without any cuts. just bruised toes. And a mild sunburn on my back.


bike riding and river tromping. my body hurts.
I wonder what I'll do tomorrow. :)
Gonna wake up early methinks.
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