Jul 09, 2007 15:36

I dunno who I should write to or complain but this is fucking stupid

For 2 months now I have been trying to get birth controll (those little pills) and cant

I called the health clinic (free birth controll) and was told that I had to have a job to recieve birth control

So I explained i have a job but i bartend so I dont get a paycheck (i get paid under the table and make enough to not have to worry about hourly )

So they explained i had to have some proof of work before they would give me birth controll

My question is (since your the health clinic so you see all types of people on welfare and with tons of kids)

If someone with no job does walk into a health clinic and say Hey, I want birth controll so I dont have kids and become another person on welfare with kids who cant take care of them and dont have a job there for needing more assistance then before hand)


I CAN EASILY WITH IN 24 HOURS, Buy a Gun, Buy drugs, Get a prescription for pain killers, Get a vision card for free food But GOD FORBID I WANT BIRTH CONTROL I HAVE TO HAVE A JOB WITH A PAYCHECK BEFORE THEY HAD THAT OVER TO ME...

AND we wonder why so many younge people have kids, and so many people on welfare and with out jobs Do have kids...

Anywho guess Ill have to just pay the 60 dollars a month for birth controll vs, getting free birth control.

Which brings me to - WHO THE FUCKS IDEA WAS IT TO SAY KIDS UNDER 18 Cant buy condoms....

Boy that was a genius idea by the way...

If you want people to stop having abortions, stop having babies they cant raise a YOU MIGHT WANT TO MAKE BIRTH CONTROL A BIT EASIER TO GET AHOLD OF

Fucking idiots.

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