I dunno what Im doing, I was recently pointed out, That I just booked a tour at the kansas expo center...
Which I never saw myself doing, and didnt even releize I did it, Now Im talking to major record lables and bands and Im pretty much flying blind...
Honostly I have noooooooooo clue what Im doing....
In a few weeks I will be standing at the expo center with a rock band filling out paper work and putting together a show...
I also have to find a music store to donate a guitar for the show to have the band autograph, then we are giving the guitar away...
I have to go talk to the radio stations about changing the add on the radio, I have money being wired to a booking agent in new york.
And all this was fine, UNTILL MY BOSS LEFT ME AND IS IN VEGAS...
Now I releize in kinda incharge and holy shit am I a wreck...
as much as I want things just to fall into place I dont think its going to happen, Im down here emailing people right and left and trying to contact corprate offices and everyones on vacation.
Im a person who panics, how do I not panic...
This is me,
Also in my weekend, My pet rabbit has flees, hes been scracthing so bad he started bleeding, so I gave him a bath, He scratched his neck open, and 2 toe nails fell out, which caused blood to spew and squirt all over (The white rabbit is now pink) Its not funny (Im really upset) I cried and panicked and my poor rabbit still has flees and is bald and pink)
I have NO CLUE WHAT TO DO WITH THE RABBIT, I tried to call a few animal rescues but no one can take him, I am going to buy kitten flee drops, I bought some spray but it made him scratch really bad...
Then I go to work today, (I waitress during the daY) I go to reach something off the top shelf and no one mentions the shelf is broken, so a whole top shelf including a open bucket of parmasan cheese lands on my head.
Its really a good day.
I have to run to static tonight and work at the full blown chaos show, Im still sick.
I feel like running and screaming in circles for a few hours.
There is my long rant and update.