Sep 01, 2005 00:26
i dont know what to do with myself anymore......i screw up left and right.........i lose everything
since david and i have broke up ive been involved with 7 guys and all of them hurt me in some way.....and its prolly my has to be me.....7 guys wouldnt just up and leave and not talk to me anymore if it wasnt because of me.........there is one i think im seeing right not sure what he thinks about it all.....but things definetly happened and id like them to keep moving forward cuz he seems so sincere...but i will probably fuck this up to.....probably already have. i could be just paranoid about things......but im normally matter what i do i end up alone.....i think i find someone good and days later im alone again.....i just know its going to happen and im getting so sick of sick of feeling so hurt
im not even asking for someone to love me.....cuz i really dont think its possible......every guy that has ever said those words has turned around and stabbed me in the im really starting to think love isnt real
id like to believe there is someone out there for me....but im starting to think im just better off alone
if anyone could tell me why i screw everything up or dont deserve to be with someone then please tell me what the fuck it is im doing wrong cuz obviously my dumb ass doesnt see it
i would just like someone for once to like me back and actually take interest in me