Santa's Enchanted Forest

Dec 24, 2005 11:05

and all was well in bunny foofoo's cabin. the stockings were hung and the christmas tree was lit. all that was needed was the annual trip to the enchanted forest. bunny foofoo woke up early that morning to go see her wonderful stylist and to do a little shopping for love bunny. sadly though bunny foofoo's stylist was away that morning and she got stuck with a wicked stylist who could not cut hair. (not to mention gift hunting was unsuccessful). depressed from morning adventures, bunny foofoo set out to prepare for the nights festivities. bunny's friends though were convienently (...T__T...) not avaliable and did not return her calls. and bunny foofoo's papa bear was grumpy as well. bunny decided to tell papa bear about love bunny's arrival and meeting. but papa bear did not like that one bit. papa bear said bunny was repeating the past and no matter what love bunny did he disagreeded. but love bunny came anyways. after soon arrival at the enchanted forest love bunny made his apperence and gracefully swept in. as the night progressed the enchanted forest soon took on a life of its own. bunny foofoo had been to the forest many times before but everything seemed new and different with love bunnys company. silly children's rides now became fun rides. and sitting on benches while sharing a root beer float took on a more romantic feel. mama bear and love bunny joked together about people and babies while bunny foofoo stood in amazment over the actions. mama bear had always been the strong and more protective of the bears and yet she seemed to take a liking to love bunny more then even close friends. papa bear even listened and smiled. although stuborn, bunny foofoo thinks papa bear liked love bunny. even baby george liked love bunny. mainly because love bunny bought french fries and shared with him but also because love bunny played peak a boo and made him giggle when not every stranger can. bunny foofoo was told several times that she had a height and weight problem. (she thinks she's taller/stronger then she is and she thinks shes bigger/fatter then she is). bunny disagreeded with these comments, but enjoyed hearing mama bear and love bunny joke about her hang ups. the end of the night resulted in a kiss and AOL magnets. (^__^)
bunny foofoo still has to meet love bunnys parents and sister. but is much less afraid of them. as long as love bunny is there, there is nothing to fear....except bruising.......*Emo tear* bunny foofoo's next adventures will be either kareokeing at the starlight lounge or horseback riding and picnicing at tradewinds. well....maybe there'll be other adventures between now and then. for now though, bunny foofoo needs to wrap much needed presents. and go ebaying for love bunny's gift.
Signing out
Bunny FooFoo
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