(no subject)

Apr 02, 2006 14:08

my tio died last night......from a heart attack, it was his 3rd one...no one in my family told me about his last 2...im pretty pist cuz its not the first time this has a happend in my family, my primo frankie died about 3 months ago...i was suppose to see him a week before he actually but my fucken parents lagged it...man now my tio died and my madrina had some sort of aheart attack i think...now shes in the hospital form the shock of her brother dying, they were really close...i loved my tio...i love the way he dressed, thats one thing im always going to remember him by....man he was a sharp dresser<3

imma go see them tomite.

rip tio quitito....i think thats how you spelled his name<333
yo nunca te voy a olvidar, siempre vas a estar en mi corazon y sueños<333
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