(no subject)

Oct 06, 2007 10:02

this summer i feel like i found out who i hope to become. alex coming into my life was sitcom-timing perfect. the music we are playing is beyong what i could have possibly comprehended before california, at ft reno mentioning offhandedly to waleed that we should play music. thank god i ended up at ft reno that crazy night. now that i think about it, i barely ran into annie and sam on the metro, otherwise there might have been no band. no alex. but in all honesty, despite those major advances in my life, i would still be furfulled. i would be able to handle the loss of either, even both. before california, i wouldnt have been able to stand alone. knowing that, is all i really need to know now.

last night he wrote down 11 days. i pretended not to know what he was talking about. but i cant beleive i found someone who actually cares about a one month. im falling for him so bad.
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