(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 20:20

que pasa que pasa the little bird sang
how low how low will the teenagers hang
when the sun comes morning and pokes your head
will you be dead?
thats what they said

feel good feel good the piggies lie
porque porque why do you cry
but when you open your eyes and nothing is there
will you be scared?
the membranes will tear

libertad libertad the mushrooms take
relax relax the sensiblilities fake
crop circles forming in every backyard
it's on holiday cards
ignoring it's hard

drop out drop out the city thinks
para ti para ti for you they will drink
someday all of our feelings will cease
think about peace
the urge will decrease

derecha derecha the compass points
up north up north is where i left my joints
will you walk there to pick up my leftover legs
I'll sit here and beg
birthing chocolate eggs

psst psst the woodpecker hums
quieres quieres the malcontent drums
when you're swimming do you realize that you're being torn
down the beach in a storm
the sea won't stay warm

arriba y arriba the glowbugs go
reach up reach up the children know
when you felt your mother holding back tears
did you cover your ears
could you still hear the cheers

make up make up the socialites groan
piensa piensa the teachers moan
when the fog comes up will you admit you're blind
you'll just blame your mind
it all takes time

tratamos tratamos the hippies urge
imagine imagine the war victims purge
you were looking for imaginary friends
in all corners and ends
theres only the bends

now now the politicians scream
despues despues the crazies really mean
they'll drain the water when your skin shrivels up
sadpaper cuts
and half empty cups

resistan resistan the millions speak
which sheet which sheet are you tye-dying bleak
you can get a sweet shot for a buck or two
it'll turn you blue
we've learned to make do

stop love stop love the virgins roar
queremos queremos another war
buy cratepaper to decorate graveyards in flight
you'll become part of the night
the life's alright

millones millones by the millions dead
lie down lie down let it seep through the bed
when you're old and leafing through the history books
how does it look
with everything shook

don't speak don't speak the dead limbs say
todo todo the big bombs pray
when the airplanes roar and we hide in our graves
I want to be saved
all of us crave

carrera carrera the runners run
bare feet bare feet in the bloody sun
are you ready for the ultimate sin
start giving in
electricity wins

supress them surpress them the TV tells
seguimos seguimos the riot fell
and your brother with his brick in his heavy hand
and your lonely band
voices sifting through sand

cual tierra cual tierra the holy man asks
good price good price the titans mask
you show me mine and I'll show you yours
it seeps through your pores
don't save the whores

a play a play the poets dream
mas vino mas vino the rich will cream
as the world is a stage and you break off wood
fires are good
it's lost in what would

tiempo tiempo the church bells chime
how long how long will the policemen dine
when they were sitting there biting your hair
you just took it and stared
you weren't taught to care

don't ask don't ask the dead spies creep
!Dios Dios! the altar boys weep
when abandonment is the only way out
it's okay to doubt
when you keep to the route

negro y blanco the photos show
red grass red grass the lawnmowers mow
as we pick up our family tree
do you love me?
you did on TV

father father how do you feel
madre madre my skin won't peel
I'm sheltered but the weatherman threatens to snow
where do dead leaves go
where does hatred grow

entren entren the snickers laugh
location location the college kids graph
don't get stuck analyzing the lies
eat too much pie
get fat and then die

revenge revenge the witches brew
vamos vamos on the sailors crew
underground is the new cool place to be
don't you want to be free
aren't you angry?

oro oro the chemists breath
more profit more profit the buisnessmen thieve
the corner crack dealer has been kind of dry
are you willing to try
a new type of high?

so tired so tired the kettle squeaks
pero pero but why do clouds leak
a pantsuit will flatter your high cheek bones
as you answer the phones
communicate in safe zones

que paso que paso the children sigh
you look you look ready to die
and your mind is a sponge soaked with spit
was it all worth the hit?
it's just what you get
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