Jun 28, 2006 21:04
New layout makes me want to update for the sole reason of watching a new entry appear. Html is kind of amusing and I am obviously a huge dork, but I'm okay with that.
Summer is a wonderful time to learn. You have all the time in the world to ask yourself who you want to be, and you can always take a psychology class on the side like I'm doing. Haha. But really, neuroscience is very interesting. And it makes me feel smart! (A bonus).
I saw Radiohead Monday night. God what a trip. It was cathardic. Amazing. Godly. Glorious. They are just as good if not better live. Seeing Thom that close was like getting punched in the face. Two encores as well. By the end though (we got to Downtown SD at 2PM to stand in line... and the show started at 7PM) I was D-E-A-D.
So. Worth. It.
Currently I'm taking a "break" from studying for a Psych test tomorrow. God, I am so bad at studying...I'm going to fail college. But I'm still tired. I've done a lot today.