Applications and appendixes

Mar 09, 2009 17:29

There's a lot of things I should be doing right now. Screw it. Here's my new motto: Procrastinators unite! ...Tomorrow. As mentioned (?) exchange study applications are going to be handed in this week and naturally last-minute decision anxiety kicks in. For the longest time I've had my mind set on this one school and was now starting to wonder if I by doing so could possibly be missing out on a better opportunity. Bless my cousin for bearing with me and supporting my frail mind which is bordering to hysteria. I want to break out into a mad Jack Nicholson in the Shining kind of laughter. Think it would help!

It was healthy to think it all through once more though. I've made up my mind now, once and for all, and am sticking to my original decision. For once I'm going to listen to my heart instead of my head. (Wow, three "once" in as many sentences? Brilliant Jessica. Not only my mind but also my vocabulary is failing me.)

I've got most of the endless appendixes for the various applications (three in total) covered. I'll fill out my online application tomorrow, print it all out, sign and put that stupid photo on it, take a few copies and show it to the coordinator to make sure nothing has been left out. Oh, and I have to finish my Statement of Purpose. Been writing on it for a month or so (it's only meant to be an A4 long!) and I suppose it's coming along nicely. But what to go for: Something personal or the clichéd standardized text they get from hundreds of students every year? Things don't become standardized for no reason, it means things work fine that way. But then I'm reasoning like that dipshit pro-monarchy guy I saw on TV last week. "We've always had monarchy in Sweden and it works just fine so there's no reason for it to change." I don't want to be fine, I want to be freaking brilliant.

Do they really need that SoP? Can't they see I want this from all the bureaucracy I've put myself through? Mwahaha!

decision anxiety, ugh, university, cousin, exchange studies

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