Jan 05, 2009 11:23
Time to dust of this old thing again. It hasn't fallen into complete oblivion just yet, though it could be considered a close call. I'm guessing my two readers will be much surprised anyway.
Well, I suppose it has come to everyone's attention that it's 2009 and a new year. Actually, everyone with a calendar and who doesn't live under a rock should know that by now. Either way, considering how many fireworks were burned off in my neighbourhood alone, it should have been impossible to miss. New Year's is a beautiful hustle and bustle nontheless, with the regular "Oh!"s and "Ah!"s coming from the spectators and my pennywise father and grandfather crying out the price of every firecracker, big and small, as a much appreciated bonus.
I didn't mind 2008 was over. It's been a nice year and we've had a good run together. There's been ups and downs as usual, with the R.E.M. concert in Copenhagen as the biggest peak. (I intended to write something about the concert here but words, cliché-ish enough, just wont cut it and the low-res pictures I took home from the event I suspect say even less. They have facial features in real life you know.) 2008 also brought me an, for oh so many reasons, unforgettable 20th birthday, a bunch of new friends and, after some major talking into by both Sara and Mimi, the courage to ride a rollercoaster with a loop earlier that summer. Yes, I'm a wuss. It's my survival tactics. I prefer not thinking about the downs however, regrets lead to nowhere and, as someone once said, you seldom regret what you don't remember. Or won't, as in this case.
As for New Year's resolutions I've only made one that I intend to keep, cutting back on chocolate and sugar in general. I tried going cold turkey but it didn't work out all that well. Still, I haven't had more than five small pieces in the last three days. Go me. I rock.
For 2009 I've obliged to myself to try out meditation. The book I've borrowed on the subject said I was not supposed to tell anyone (to keep others negativity out and whatnot) until I've established a routine but my two readers are pretty openminded people so I reckon it won't hurt. And since when do I care about what other people think?
I've also considered picking up running. Ok fine. You can't pick up a habit you've never had. You've got me. Jeez.
Lately, and here I use the word very loosely meaning within the last four months, I've discovered a lot of good music. The Disciplines, Editors, Interpol to name a few. Heard a Swedish band called Molotov Jive on TV4's morning news just a few hours ago and am now listening to every recording of somewhat decent quality I can find on YouTube. Definitely my cup of tea, this is. I'd recommend the one where they're playing "Räven raskar över isen", a Swedish Christmas song, just because it's cute.
Rant over. Now, if I could only find my lipgloss life would be swell.
new year,
sarcasm and irony are my friends,
molotov jive