In light of this huge out crying of "stop speculating"
a few words of understanding for the speculators.
Human-kind evolved from making simple cause and effect deductions. This concept is from learned experience and is simply speculation, "if I let go of a rock and it has always fallen to the ground before, it should do so again," to the more complex "when the grass turns brown, the antelope move south" and even "poisonous snakes can crawl over doorstops" (There are tribes in Africa (name escapes me) that live in huts with very high up doors making the homes look like bird houses. When missionaries came to the area and talked the locals into living in western style housing, death rates from snake bites rose up. I'll let you speculate the reason)
This speculation can be a good thing, it has made us what we are today. Before we had microscopes that could see bacteria and viruses, we had to speculate how sicknesses occurred. Scientists use it to find cures for diseases. Magicians use our natural tendencies to perform tricks to entertain us. Although all stocks come with the caveat that "past performance is no guarantee of future results" fortunes are gained or lost by how one analyzes the market and speculates on the future.
Given a lack of facts, speculation is all that people have left. It is in our DNA to want to connect the dots, no matter how far flung they are. Those who have been privy to a process that is only now been brought to light to the populace has to remember that the populace needs time to process what little information they have. It is all new to them whereas you have had the "luxury" of processing it yourself (with far more information than they do now). This speculation is a natural reaction, it is the only way that some can process what little information they have been given and fit the new information into their world view.
I expect that we will see all of the stages of grief throughout this drama. If you thought there was too much already in the West, I'd suggest a six month or year hiatus. The best thing we can do for each other is to try to understand that we will not all be on the same page at the same time, and give each other a little compassion. Yes, the sanction only happened to one individual, but it affects us all. No matter what side of the fence you are sitting.