I am bored and probably going to go to bed after this because I still dont feel so hot

Jul 15, 2003 02:18

last car ride: last nite with Chad and Barret
last kiss: heh...
last good cry: honestly I cant remember
last library book checked out: I buy books
last movie seen: 28 Days Later
last book read: Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed: bread
last crush: there are a few
last phone call: Alex
last tv show watched: The news
last time showered: earlier today
last shoes worn: flip flops
last cd played: Death Cab
last item bought: cigarettes
last downloaded: I dont dl music because my computer is too slow
last disappointment: there is too many to list here
last key used: house key
last word spoken: singing along to the smiths
last sleep: last nite
last im: Aaron
last sexual fantasy: every second of the day?
last ice cream eaten: its been awhile
last time amused: I am more than certain it was by Mac today
last time wanting to die: meh, last time I REALLY wanted to die was more than likely last year sometime
last time in love: hah, love just kicks me in the ass
last time hugged: probably by Mac earlier
last time scolded: a week ago maybe?
last underwear worn: the red ones that look like little boys underwear
last webpage visited: livejournal

1 MINUTE AGO: I realized how fucked things can get
1 HOUR AGO: I was sitting in the same spot I am now
1 DAY AGO: I was hanging out with Chad and Barret
1 WEEK AGO: I was being lame
1 YEAR AGO: I was throwing my life away and hating everyone in the process
I HURT: because people let me down
I LOVE: my cat
I HOPE: things work out for the best
I HATE: distance
I FEAR: the dark and rejection
I FEEL: really sick
I HIDE: everything I feel for people until its too late
I DRIVE: not a damn thing
I MISS: Alex, Aaron, big Tim, lil Tim, my dad... the list goes on
I LEARNED: shit happens and you have to move on
I NEED: a hug
I THINK: I should stop drinking and smoking so much and should sleep more.
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