hello life.
mr. L bit our heads off today.
and honestly, i could stab my printer right now.
i really don't want to get into it.
i'd been having a good day, too.
ah. whatever.
i guess i'm just not good at acting.
i have yet to find my hidden talent.
i could almost say it's painting.
and i could almost say it's photography.
but. that's only almost.
it's starting to get really cold outside.
global warming, come baaack.
not really.
that's so ironic. i think.
i have too much homework.
ilu. i think. wait. who?
that's a good quetion, actually.
because i really don't know.
maybe. i don't love anyone.
i think being alone suits me for now.
i'm going to be happy.
i think i deserve to be happy (: