It's my first entry as a non-single person. :/ It's a weird feeling, but it's not unwelcome. ♥ I love you! I do, I do, I do. :)
I lit a candle for December 8. I hope you kept him in your hearts as well.
Speaking of him, I finally listened to the Love album. Holy fucking beejeezus, it is the most awesome of awesome. I've been listening to it nonstop. Favorites are "Get Back", "Drive My Car/The Word/What You're Doing," and "Strawberry Fields Forever." Some songs I slightly prefer to the original: "Hey Jude" (that part when the instruments are dropped and it's just clapping? HEARTSTOPPING, mofo) and "While My Guitar Gently Weeps." Holy Christ, this is an amazing album. Get it. You're missing half your lives.
Christmas! We're almost all set for going Christmas caroling on the 15th and 16th. Go Strains! I really love my org. Honestly, sincerely do. Mwah. ♥
10 things currently on your desk
01. Weird piggy bank where we keep our 25 centavo coins
02. My laptop
03. Van Houten Almonds can
04. iPod Charger
05. Silver aluminum box (containing what, I'm not sure)
06. My old cellphone
07. One of my current cellphones, containing my Sun Cellular sim
08. My container of various school supplies, eg. pens, scissors, staplers
09. My collection of used and unused black-and-white twist ties
10. Orange post-its
9 favourite ships/couples - let's break this down by fandom
01. Harry/Hermione (My heartbreakingly favorite ship) actually... the SS Portkey! (Harry/Hermione, Ron/Luna, Draco/Ginny, James/Lily)
02. Cloud/Tifa and Aeris/Zack
03. Tris/Alex and J/P *smug*
04. Cameron/Chase and House/Cuddy
05. Kurama/Botan and Yusuke/Keiko
06. Buffy/Spike and Angel/Cordy
07. Fuuko/Tokiya and Recca/Yanagi
08. Glenn/Me (hahaha, from Chrono Cross. I crush him!)
09. Buhbee/Me ♥
8 of your current favourite songs
01. David Bowie : Changes
02. Lynyrd Skynyrd : Freebird
03. Queen : March of the Black Queen
04. Led Zeppelin : The Battle of Evermore
05. CSNY : Southern Cross
06. Supertramp : Give A Little Bit
07. The whole damn Love album
08. Alvin and the Chipmunks : 12 Days of Christmas (sue me, it's adorable)
7 people you talk to most
01. Justin
meetmy_tommygun05. The other amigas, namely:
subtlywild and Beba. :P GIRLS I DO NOT SEE YOU OFTEN ENOUGH.
nix16 and the other Strainers
07. Formerly my LJ fangirls. :( darn I miss you girls badly. You know who you all are.
6 favourite kinds of candy/chocolate
01. White chocolate! Any kind!
02. Crunch
03. Twix
04. Hugs or Kisses
05. Cadbury Dairy Milk
06. Hershey's anything. As long as its plain. No nuts plzkthnx.
4 favorite bands and ONE artist
01. Queen
02. Led Zeppelin
03. The Kinks
04. The Beatles
05. NO FAIR. Um. Bob Dylan. Although 5 secretly belongs to CSNY. But don't tell anyone. Shhh.
4 websites you visit daily
01. Livejournal
02. Yahoo!Mail
03. Multiply
04. Friendster
3 items on your wall
01. Queen 2007 Calendar (it's itching to be used)
02. Photo collage of my high school days
03. A chibi anime drawing that my best friend made of a Paulinian
2 favourite sayings
02. ... is love!
1 favourite movie
01. Under the Tuscan Sun
Speaking of Christmas!
Xmas Stocking
leave a gift for bombshell_dolly
get your stocking
I go to sleep now. Nighty-night.