So there, Saturday to Monday was a gigantic blast. Wanna know why? Of course I'll tell you why. This is why I own my journal people. So I can rant and rave and you have no choice but to listen to it. Mmmmhmmm. Yes, exactly.
Got up super early to host the Yokogawa Philippines, Inc. Family Day and Anniversary Party at Star City. So much fun! :D I like these people a lot. And I got paid for being my bubbly and energetic self. Not bad.
After the event, I finished 1/4 of my new earnings on DVD shopping. I'm a concert whore and you know it. Anyroad, I finished up about a half hour of shopping with the following goodies:
- The Beatles: From Liverpool to San Francisco (documentary)
- The Beatles: The First US Visit (documentary)
- Top of the Pops' 40th Anniversary
- Crosby, Stills and Nash: Long Time Coming
OMGZ they're all brilliant. I LOVE THEM. I'm giving the first one to
meetmy_tommygun to re-instate the Beatles' place in her heart (and to beat
eldritch00) but the rest are just heaven. The First US Visit is such a peek into how the Beatles are offstage. There's a little John and George Marlboro ad interlude that's just hilarious. And Paul is just gorgeous in every scene he's in. The Top of the Pops' 40th anniversary has 40 performances, one from each year. There's performances by Queen, Free, T-Rex, The Hollies, The Bee Gees, Wham, Culture Club and the Spice Girls among many others! And hello, CSN kills me. It owns my heart every single bloody time. They're just so incredibly funny! GAH. And of course, they're all really brilliant singers. "Marrakesh Express," "Teach Your Children" and the whole "To the Last Whale..." thing they have. All NASH songs. I LOVE NASH. OMG REALLY. I love Nashhhhh!!!!! He's so cuuuuute *wants to huggle him to death* Although he looks tons better with his mustache thing.
Okay, after that we went to Makati for some serious shopping. I bought an entire new outfit at Powerplant that I wore to the event Lui and Paps made: Saturday Night Shindig.
After a bad beginning, the night spun out into one of the best concerts I've ever had. It wasn't just the band (the Bloomfields, this adorable group of guys who sang Beatles, Beach Boys and various Fifties tunes--visit their site
here; really, they're a bunch of cuties!); it was the whole dancing to the music that I loved that really got me going the whole night long. Seriously. During the first set, no one was dancing, but Noel and I were singing every word to every Beatles song they sang. From "If I Fell" to "Nowhere Man" to "Tell Me Why," it was so funny how we would both sing the words out loud and Kate would just be staring at us. We were all dancing during the second set though. :)
Oh! And I have a crush on the "Paul guy" (the bassist who was also the one who screams in "Long Tall Sally" and "Good Golly Miss Molly") in the Bloomfields! And my friend made me dance with him when he went down to the dancefloor. He's a cutie. ♥ Hmmm... :) I'm still floating on a cloud. Great great music. I love dancing Sixties style: it's so fun yet carefree! *hugs self* Plus, I was with Kate and Noel and they were such fun people to dance with. Once you get Kate out of her shell, she's such a fellow groupie. And Noel dances like a pimp! It's really hilarious. Le sigh. It was a fun fun fun whole day.
That day had my dad waking me up to go to my grandmother's luncheon at her place. At the Big House in Fairview. I love that house; it's so pretty. :) Anywhoo, spent a bit of time with all my relatives and just had fun in general. Watched the UAAP and was indignant over UST's and UP's wins. FEU and AdMU deserved it more. Hrmf.
Oh! September 11 yesterday. Condolences for everyone whose lost a loved one in that disaster.
Also... happy birthday, my beloved Amiga, Beba! *squiggles and hugs* I ADORE YOU SO MUCH.
Beba and me!
"Quote, unquote!"
Somewhat Nene.
Alavyu honey. *mwah* And just for you, I'm putting this entry out in public. *gasp* Just so you can see it. You insane girl. You better get on LJ now, tout de suite!