Dec 24, 2006 10:21
All of these gangster and low-grade action movies seem to employ the same plot device: protection money.
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I want to see a movie about some immigrant-owned business (as they usually are) forced to pay protection money. But they don't like the idea (like they never do) so they try to pull a fast one over on the mobsters/ninja clan/renegade nun-force that's extorting them. So they hire a ninja/pirate/viking/or other marauder to foil their plans. Only instead of beating the crap out of the gangsters, they hire the rebels to kick their own asses, after paying the protection money, so they can take the gangsters to court for breach of contract. Then, right before the guilty verdict is about to be handed down, a surprise witness comes forward, a ninja has a change of heart, breaks down, and testifies against the "victims" and exposes their fraud. The gangsters are then let off the hook and the "victims" get hit with the book and rot away in prison for ever and all eternity plus a lot of time.
That would never happen though, everyone knows ninjas don't break down unless they're androids