
Sep 05, 2008 00:00

NAME: Gokudera Hayato.
SERIES: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
HISTORY: Gokudera was born into his family through an affair; his birth mother a beautiful and successful pianist that his father fell in love with at first sight. He managed to get her to reciprocate his feelings and Gokudera suddenly became part of the picture. However, since Gokudera was an illegitimate son, he wouldn't be accepted into the mafia world. So, Gokudera's father announced that Hayato was the son of his legal wife and allowed his biological mother to see him only three times a year.

Like his mother, playing piano came pretty easily. Right before his first recital, his half-sister Bianchi gave him cookies for good luck, but they were infused with her poison cooking technique. This led him to have major stomach problems, but he played on regardless; ending up playing better when he was being poisoned than when he wasn't. Seeing such good results, his father told Bianchi to give him cookies every time he had a recital, which caused him to faint, vomit, become nauseous, and faint whenever he saw his half-sister.

During these years, Gokudera came to idolize a man named Shamal and even copied his hairstyle. He wanted Shamal to teach him his Trident Mosquito fighting technique, but Shamal decided to teach Gokudera how to use dynamite instead. Shamal taught him up to the point where Gokudera came home with a broken arm from a near-death situation. Gokudera wasn't sure why Shamal didn't want to teach him anymore, and he didn't get a chance to ask him since he left the family after that.

Sometime later, Gokudera discovered the truth about his biological mother and her absence after overhearing the family servants gossiping about her death. He was distraught, to say the least, and he ended up running away. Ever since then, Gokudera tried to get into every mafia family that would accept him, but because he was a half breed (being half Italian and half Japanese) and could do nothing more than play the piano, he was rejected.

When he was finally welcomed by the Vongola family, he was sent off to Japan to check out the soon to be Tenth Generation Boss of Vongola. After having Tsuna save him, Gokudera became utterly devoted to him and always did his very best to make him proud. As Tsuna's right hand man, Gokudera believes it's his job-no, duty to do everything he can to be useful to Tsuna and make him proud. Everything he does, he does it for Tsuna and his loyalty to him is unbreakable.

PERSONALITY: Gokudera is probably one of the most complicated and enigmatic characters one would ever meet. At first glance, he is the epitome of a punk with a bad temper and explosives to back it up. He doesn't care about anyone or anything (except for the Tenth), and he'd sooner blow them to hell and back than try to talk to them. He glares at everyone and keeps everything bottled up inside him, and even if you try to ask, he'd most likely tell you to fuck off before punching you in the face.

His childhood made him see the truth when you're nothing but a useless pianist, which made him develop a sort of shell; a protective front (which includes his defiance, his stubborn attitude, his anger, his apathy) that allows him to be safe and makes sure he can handle anything and everything.

But when you peel away all those layers, what's left is a sadness that no one understands because he doesn't want anyone knowing that he feels so weak, so useless all the time. Even with all the rage and temper, Gokudera doesn't give himself a lot of credit; always thinking he's not good enough, that he's worth nothing, and he can't fulfill his dreams. Yet, oddly enough, it doesn't stop him to keep trying and trying until he finally proves to everyone that he can do it. That he is worth something.

Despite everything, Gokudera looks out for those important to him. He may not come close to calling you his friend, but if you're stuck on a roof and going through a seizure, he'll come and grab that ring for you and save you. Nothing is more important to him than his Family and the Tenth. He is extremely loyal and would do anything to make Tsuna proud as his right hand man. Even if it means giving up his life, Gokudera won't mind. As long as he did his best and did Tsuna proud, that's all he can ask for.

Note: Taken after Varia arc and beginning of Millefore arc~.

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