ya know whats annoying?

Jan 26, 2004 20:34

Telling people something and then finding out that they told people you don't even like what you said. Like the big thing thats going on in my life right now. I've told few people, but lord only knows how many people I don't like that they've told already. And the bullshit about it is, everyone would probably pull the same thing christy did on me... "you didn't tell me not to tell anyone". Ok, heres the deal with people telling you things- you don't need to tell strangers or people those people hate their business. Just because I told ya something doesn't mean you need to run off to people I don't care about and tell them things you DAMN WELL KNOW I wouldn't particularly care for them to know. I don't fucking care if it's your boyfriend I hate.... he needs not know because I hate him... and it's my business and since I hate him he's not involved in my life let alone my business. Or if it's your friend that I hate... your friend doesn't need to know my business just because you know it. I'd hang up a fucking flyer if I wanted everyone to have the scoop. And as for the asking me if someone else can be told, sure.... as long as I don't hate them. If I like them and they know my business but I haven't gotten around to telling them.... fine. But if I hate them or if I never talk to them, they don't need to know my business just for the sake of someone wanting to move their lips. Gay gay gay. It's my big news and I'd really like to be the one telling it. MINES I SAYS! MINES! If I find out one more person I hate knows my business I'm going to fucking kill.
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