For those of you who have been waiting for it, my writing journal,
visionsofq, is once again up and running. I promise an entry in the next two days, so you can see a sample of my work.
For those of you not currently part of the friends list, it's easy to know, if you're interested in reading my writing. Heh.
EDIT: I realize there's some stuff I forgot. More than one big thing happened this week!
First of all, the first episode of Wild ARMs 4 is out, and I'm decently proud of it. I made a few sound goofs, but I'm going to get the sound right eventually, damn it! Here's the link to the thread to stream or download it (no, you don't have to be part of the VAA to see it):
Wild ARMs 4: The Radioplay, Episode One It's gotten four out of five stars...I'm guessing for the damn sound gaffes. Bah.
Secondly, I finally made my return to voice acting, just like I said I would. I've been cast, I've been sending out auditions, and I did a production with
subu that's really good.'s the link for that...
Curse of the Queen So, give those a listen and enjoy! Seriously, I worked hard on this stuff. :-P