Nov 27, 2006 13:51
How are you Victoria people faring with this lovely dump of snow?? I heard from a friend that a lot of stores are closed, the buses are running all fucked up and people aren't going out much. I hope the city didn't go and sell all their snowplows again! Personally, I love it. The mainland is used to snow, so the buses are all on time and there's plenty of people out and about. There was a group of people on skidoo's and dirtbikes cruising around the side streets yesterday afternoon. I went out already today. Had an interview this morning. It was so nice going for a walk to the bus stop in the middle of this perfect snow. The trees are laden and weighed down, people's yards are perfect miniature tundras. The air was crisp and clean smelling. The sound of traffic on the highway was muffled. I love walking in the snow. Its perfect. Its cold and its wet but it always makes me feel something indescribable. There's something magical about fresh snowfall.
Crystal and I are off to the mall in a bit. Her landlord is a moron. The dryer here hasn't been working properly. It will take like three or more hours to dry a load. He told us to make sure the lint trap was clean and I spoke up and said that we tried that and its not the lint trap. Its probably an electrical problem because we've tried everything else. He did not like that one bit. I ruined his whole handyman thing. Sorry chum, but if you can't handle a woman who isn't a total bimbo with fixing things, then tough titty. He doesn't seem happy about the prospect of me living here. But as long as he gets off his ass and fixes what needs to be fixed, we'll get along fine. Oh, and another thing. He mooches. He's got a serious addictive personality (we're talking tens of thousands of dollars in gambling and shit like that). He's a sugar fiend. If he smells cookies, cake, anything like that, he'll actually come knock on the door and ask if he can have some. Its fucking pathetic. I have zero tolerance for that shit. If he ever does that and I answer, I'm not going to be polite about it. That's just rude.
So other than the weird, wannabe handyman landlord, I adore it here. I've been having so much fun!