Comment if you'd like to be added. I may or may not add you, because I'm not in the business of friending complete strangers. I don't care how cool your uncle is.
Filters for the choosing (please let me know what you prefer to see):
1) Doll Filter - All about my dollies, the dollies I want, the dollies I don't want, and everything there in between.
2) Art & Writing Filter - You get all my creative shit!
3) Real Life Filter - All my angst goes on this filter
4) Prince of Tennis Filter - Yes. YES. ;D
5) Nerdiness Filter - Basically all other stuff that isn't Prince of Tennis specific goes here.
6) Default View - Everything else goes here!
I am not a public kind of person, so if you really want to see my entries, let a nigga know. Tru. Tru.