this week has sucked, like a lot
but all that was erased with my chem lab on thursday, cause guess what?
god i love chem lab but hate lecture and yeah, lab was pretty bitchin, except for the fact i ruined two of my test tubes fucking around with some polymers *weeps* alas....i was doing what the instructed, but after i did that part, then they said to not use the test tubes because the polymer stuff doesn't come out jkfwdlfsdjlkfdskjl yeah
so the rock gods may not hate me after all, but i am not saying any thing specific because i don't want to jinx myself, cause that would be very bad, so if i seem cryptic, i have reasons to be, that i will explain in ooo about three months from now XDXD
today i saw the movie 'charlie bartlett' with magdi and vicky, and i have to say that it was an awesome movie, it was a "teen" movie, but it wasn't, wow that was descriptive XD okay it was about this kid that got kicked out of all these private schools for getting into trouble, but he is a nice kid who justs wants to help people and be popular, so he kinda becomes the shrink for his new public school, and yeah its kinda awesome, but i don't want to spoil it
so apparently the prince of tennis manga has just officially ended and that makes me a very sad panda, and slightly paranoid cause i really really don't want to be spoiled till i am up to it which will be in five years the rate i am going XD so yeah
i also really want the last three episodes of oofuri to be fansubbed, cause really they left ep 23 at a cliffhanger even though i know what happens cause i have read the manga, but still and and yeah its been like a month and half *whines* I WANT MY GAYSEBALL!!!!
lately i have been very into bandom, for example in the past week i have read at least 100 bandom related stories, so yeah i think i have a new obsession, excpet i won't gone near the fandom with a ten foot pole cause it seems to be steeped in wankery, and i am already part of some very wank-fested fandoms naruto and harry potter so i don't need more. But let me just say this, i love band AU, they come up with the weirdest shit, i think some one took a list of 80s movies and just decided to base all stories on them, it is kinda awesome.
fic rec:My favorite fic this week was an AU wing!fic with MCR, where Mychem was formed and stuff (with out frank) and toured but broke down because of gerard's problems, but then one day frank crashes into gerard's house and he is an angel and yeah made of win and puppies, the fic is on insane journal but
here is the author's journal with the tag for the series, i command you to read it (its frank/gerard btw XDXD)
oh yeah, last chance for you to ask for a pic of something for the photo meme (and if you have no idea what i am talking about, here is what the meme is about: Make me take pictures. Ask me to take a picture of whatever you want, from my favorite spot in the house to the mug I usually drink my coffee from, blah di blah. You can ask me to photograph as many things you want, the more the better)